.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 Usage ----- Copy the testenv.py file in tests directory of your module. You can locate testenv.py in testenv directory of this module (z0bug_odoo) Please copy the documentation testenv.rst file in your module too. The __init__.py must import testenv. Your python test file have to contain some following example lines: :: import os import logging from .testenv import MainTest as SingleTransactionCase _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) TEST_RES_PARTNER = {...} TEST_SETUP_LIST = ["res.partner", ] class MyTest(SingleTransactionCase): def setUp(self): super().setUp() # Add following statement just for get debug information self.debug_level = 2 data = {"TEST_SETUP_LIST": TEST_SETUP_LIST} for resource in TEST_SETUP_LIST: item = "TEST_%s" % resource.upper().replace(".", "_") data[item] = globals()[item] self.declare_all_data(data) # TestEnv swallows the data self.setup_env() # Create test environment def tearDown(self): super().tearDown() if os.environ.get("ODOO_COMMIT_TEST", ""): # Save test environment, so it is available to dump self.env.cr.commit() # pylint: disable=invalid-commit _logger.info("✨ Test data committed") def test_mytest(self): _logger.info( "🎺 Testing test_mytest" # Use unicode char to best log reading ) ... def test_mywizard(self): self.wizard(...) # Test requires wizard simulator An important helper to debug is self.debug_level. When you begins your test cycle, you are hinted to set self.debug_level = 3; then you can decrease the debug level when you are developing stable tests. Final code should have self.debug_level = 0. TestEnv logs debug message with symbol "🐞 " so you can easily recognize them. Ths TestEnv software requires: * python_plus PYPI package * z0bug_odoo PYPI package * python 2.7 / 3.6 / 3.7 / 3.8 Model data declaration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Each model is declared in a dictionary which key which is the external reference used to retrieve the record. i.e. the following record is named 'z0bug.partner1' in res.partner: :: TEST_RES_PARTNER = { "z0bug.partner1": { "name": "Alpha", "street": "1, First Avenue", ... } ) Please, do not to declare 'product.product' records: they are automatically created as child of 'product.template'. The external reference must contain the pattern '_template' (see below). Magic relationship ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some models/tables should be managed together, i.e. 'account.move' and 'account.move.line'. TestEnv manages these models/tables, called header/detail, just as a single object. Where header record is created, all detail lines are created with header. To do this job you must declare external reference as explained below (external reference). Warning: you must declare header and lines data before create header record. :: TEST_SALE_ORDER = { "z0bug.order_1": { ... } } TEST_SALE_ORDER_LINE = { "z0bug.order_1_1": { ... } } TEST_SETUP_LIST = ["sale.order", "sale.order.line"] class MyTest(SingleTransactionCase): def test_something(self): data = {"TEST_SETUP_LIST": TEST_SETUP_LIST} for resource in TEST_SETUP_LIST: item = "TEST_%s" % resource.upper().replace(".", "_") data[item] = globals()[item] # Declare order data in specific group to isolate data self.declare_all_data(data, group="order") # Create the full sale order with lines self.resource_make(model, xref, group="order") Another magic relationship is the 'product.template' (product) / 'product.product' (variant) relationship. Whenever a 'product.template' (product) record is created, Odoo automatically creates one variant (child) record for 'product.product'. If your test module does not need to manage product variants you can avoid to declare 'product.product' data even if this model is used in your test data. For example, you have to test 'sale.order.line' which refers to 'product.product'. You simply declare a 'product.template' record with external reference uses "_template" magic text. :: TEST_PRODUCT_TEMPLATE = { "z0bug.product_template_1": { "name": "Product alpha", ... } ) ... TEST_SALE_ORDER_LINE = { "z0bug.order_1_1": { "product_id": "z0bug.product_product_1", ... } ) ... # Get 'product.template' record self.resource_bind("z0bug.product_template_1") # Get 'product.product' record self.resource_bind("z0bug.product_product_1") External reference ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Every record is tagged by an external reference. The external reference may be: * Ordinary Odoo external reference (a), format "module.name" * Test reference, format "z0bug.name" (b) * Key value, format "external.key" (c) * 2 keys reference, for header/detail relationship (d) * Magic reference for 'product.template' / 'product.product' (e) Ordinary Odoo external reference (a) is a record of 'ir.model.data'; you can see them from Odoo GUI interface. Test reference (b) are visible just in the test environment. They are identified by "z0bug." prefix module name. External key reference (c) is identified by "external." prefix followed by the key value used to retrieve the record. If key value is an integer it is the record "id". The field "code" or "name" are used to search record; for account.tax the "description" field is used. Please set self.debug_level = 2 (or more) to log these field keys. The 2 keys reference (d) needs to address child record inside header record at 2 level model (header/detail) relationship. The key MUST BE the same key of the parent record, plus "_", plus line identifier (usually 'sequence' field). i.e. "z0bug.move_1_3" means: line with sequence 3 of 'account.move.line' which is child of record "z0bug.move_1" of 'account.move'. Please set self.debug_level = 2 (or more) to log these relationships. For 'product.template' (product) you must use '_template' text in reference (e). TestEnv inherit 'product.product' (variant) external reference (read above 'Magic relationship). Examples: :: TEST_ACCOUNT_ACCOUNT = { "z0bug.customer_account": { "code": "", ... } "z0bug.supplier_account": { "code": "111100", ... } ) ... self.resource_edit( partner, web_changes = [ ("country_id", "base.it"), # Odoo external reference (type a) ("property_account_receivable_id", "z0bug.customer_account"), # Test reference (type b) ("property_account_payable_id", "external.111100"), # External key (type c) ], ) Module test execution session ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Module test execution workflow should be: #. Data declaration, in setUp() function #. Base data creation, in setUp() function #. Supplemental data declaration #. Supplemental data creation Test data may be managed by one or more data group; if not declared, "base" group name is used. The "base" group must be created at the setUp() level: it is the base test data. Testing function may declare and manage other group data. Look at the following example: :: import os import logging from .testenv import MainTest as SingleTransactionCase _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) TEST_PRODUCT_TEMPLATE = { "z0bug.product_template_1": {...} } TEST_RES_PARTNER = { "z0bug.partner1": {...} ) TEST_SETUP_LIST = ["res.partner", "product.template"] TEST_SALE_ORDER = { "z0bug.order_1": { "partner_id": "z0bug.partner1", ... } } TEST_SALE_ORDER_LINE = { "z0bug.order_1_1": { "product_id": "z0bug.product_product_1", ... } ) class MyTest(SingleTransactionCase): def setUp(self): super().setUp() # Add following statement just for get debug information self.debug_level = 2 data = {"TEST_SETUP_LIST": TEST_SETUP_LIST} for resource in TEST_SETUP_LIST: item = "TEST_%s" % resource.upper().replace(".", "_") data[item] = globals()[item] self.declare_all_data(data) # TestEnv swallows the data self.setup_env() # Create test environment def test_something(self): data = {"TEST_SETUP_LIST": ["sale.order", "sale.order.line"]} for resource in TEST_SETUP_LIST: item = "TEST_%s" % resource.upper().replace(".", "_") data[item] = globals()[item] # Declare order data in specific group to isolate data self.declare_all_data(data, group="order") # Create the full sale order with lines self.setup_env(group="order") Note the external reference are globals and they are visible from any groups. After base data is created it starts the real test session. You can simulate various situation; the most common are: #. Simulate web form create record #. Simulate web form update record #. Simulate the multi-record windows action #. Download any binary data created by test #. Engage wizard Notice: you can also create / update record with usually create() / write() Odoo function but they do not really simulate the user behavior. They do not engage the onchange methods, they do not load any view and so on. The real best way to test a create session is like the follow example based on res,partner model: :: record = self.resource_edit( resource="res.partner", web_changes=[ ("name", "Adam"), ("country_id", "base.us"), ... ], ) You can also simulate the update session, issuing the record: :: record = self.resource_edit( resource=record, web_changes=[ ("name", "Adam Prime"), ... ], ) Look at resource_edit() documentation for furthermore details. In you test session you should need to test a wizard. This test is very easy to execute as in the follow example that engage the standard language install wizard: :: # We engage language translation wizard with "it_IT" language # see "/addons/base/module/wizard/base_language_install*" _logger.info("🎺 Testing wizard.lang_install()") act_windows = self.wizard( module="base", action_name="action_view_base_language_install", default={ "lang": "it_IT" "overwrite": False, }, button_name="lang_install", ) self.assertTrue( self.is_action(act_windows), "No action returned by language install" ) # Now we test the close message self.wizard( act_windows=act_windows ) self.assertTrue( self.env["res.lang"].search([("code", "=", "it_IT")]), "No language %s loaded!" % "it_IT" ) Look at wizard() documentation for furthermore details. Data values ~~~~~~~~~~~ Data values may be raw data (string, number, dates, etc.) or external reference or some macro. You can declare data value on your own but you can discover th full test environment in https://github.com/zeroincombenze/zerobug-test/mk_test_env/ and get data from this environment. company_id ~~~~~~~~~~ If value is empty, user company is used. When data is searched by resource_bind() function the "company_id" field is automatically filled and added to search domain. This behavior is not applied on "res.users", "res.partner","product.template" and "product.product" models. For these models you must fill the "company_id" field. For these models resource_bind() function searches for record with company_id null or equal to current user company. boolean ~~~~~~~ You can declare boolean value: * by python boolean False or True * by integer 0 o 1 * by string "0" / "False" or "1" / "True" :: self.resource_create( "res.partner", xref="z0bug.partner1", values={ { ... "supplier": False, "customer": "True", "is_company": 1, } } ) char / text ~~~~~~~~~~~ Char and Text values are python string; please use unicode whenever is possible even when you test Odoo 10.0 or less. :: self.resource_create( "res.partner", xref="z0bug.partner1", values={ { ... "name": "Alpha", "street": "1, First Avenue", ... } } ) integer / float / monetary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Integer, Floating and Monetary values are python integer or float. If numeric value is issued as string, it is internally converted as integer/float. :: self.resource_create( "res.partner", xref="z0bug.partner1", values={ { ... "color": 1, "credit_limit": 500.0, "payment_token_count": "0", } } ) date / datetime ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date and Datetime value are managed in special way. They are processed by compute_date() function (read below). You can issue a single value or a 2 values list, 1st is the date, 2nd is the reference date. :: self.resource_create( "res.partner", xref="z0bug.partner1", values={ { ... "activity_date_deadline": "####-1>-##", # Next month "signup_expiration": "###>-##-##", # Next year "date": -1, # Yesterday "last_time_entries_checked": [+2, another_date], # 2 days after another day "message_last_post": "2023-06-26", # Specific date } } ) many2one ~~~~~~~~ You can issue an integer (if you exactly know the ID) or an external reference. Read above about external reference. :: self.resource_create( "res.partner", xref="z0bug.partner1", values={ { ... "country_id": "base.it", # Odoo external reference "property_account_payable_id": "z0bug.customer_account", # Test record "title": "external.Mister" # Record with name=="Mister" } } ) one2many / many2many ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The one2many and many2many field may contains one or more ID; every ID use the many2one notation using external reference. Value may be a string (just 1 value) or a list. :: self.resource_create( "res.partner", xref="z0bug.partner1", values={ { ... "bank_ids": [ "base.bank_partner_demo", "base_iban.bank_iban_china_export", ], "category_id": "base.res_partner_category_0", } } ) binary ~~~~~~ Binary file are supplied with os file name. Test environment load file and get binary value. File must be located in ./tests/data directrory. :: self.resource_create( "res.partner", xref="z0bug.partner1", values={ { ... "image": "z0bug.partner1.png" } } ) Functions --------- store_resource_data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Store a record data definition for furthermore use. Data stored is used by setup_env() function and/or by: * resource_create() without values * resource_write() without values * resource_make() without values def store_resource_data(self, resource, xref, values, group=None, name=None): Args: resource (str): Odoo model name xref (str): external reference values (dict): record data group (str): used to manager group data; default is "base" name (str): label of dataset; default is resource name compute_date ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Compute date or datetime against today or a reference date. Date may be: * python date/datetime value * string with ISO format "YYYY-MM-DD" / "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" * string value that is a relative date against today / reference date Relative string format is like ISO, with 3 groups separated by '-' (dash). Every group may be an integer or a special notation: * starting with '<' meas subtract; i.e. '<2' means minus 2 * ending with '>' meas add; i.e. '2>' means plus 2 * '#' with '<' or '>' means 1; i.e. '<###' means minus 1 * all '#' means same value of reference date A special notation '+N' and '-N', where N is an integer means add N days or subtract N day from reference date. Here, in following examples, are used python iso date convention: * '+N': return date + N days to refdate (python timedelta) * '-N': return date - N days from refdate (python timedelta) * '%Y-%m-%d': strftime of issued value * '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S': same datetime * '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': same datetime * '####-%m-%d': year from refdate (or today), month '%m', day '%d' * '####-##-%d': year and month from refdate (or today), day '%d' * '2022-##-##': year 2022, month and day from refdate (or today) * '<###-%m-%d': year -1 from refdate (or today), month '%m', day '%d' * '<001-%m-%d': year -1 from refdate (or today), month '%m', day '%d' * '<###-#>-%d': year -1 from refdate, month +1 from refdate, day '%d' * '<005-2>-##': year -5, month +2 and day from refdate Notes: Returns a ISO format string. Returned date is always a valid date; i.e. '####-#>-31', with ref month January result '####-02-31' becomes '####-03-03' To force last day of month, set '99': i.e. '####-<#-99' becomes the last day of previous month of refdate def compute_date(self, date, refdate=None): date (date or string or integer): formula; read aboove refdate (date or string): reference date resource_bind ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bind record by xref or searching it or browsing it. This function returns a record using issued parameters. It works in follow ways: * With valid xref it work exactly like self.env.ref() * If xref is an integer it works exactly like self.browse() * I xref is invalid, xref is used to search record * xref is searched in stored data * xref ("MODULE.NAME"): if MODULE == "external", NAME is the record key def resource_bind(self, xref, raise_if_not_found=True, resource=None): Args: xref (str): external reference raise_if_not_found (bool): raise exception if xref not found or if more records found resource (str): Odoo model name, i.e. "res.partner" Returns: obj: the Odoo model record Raises: ValueError: if invalid parameters issued resource_create ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Create a test record and set external ID to next tests. This function works as standard Odoo create() with follow improvements: * It can create external reference too * It can use stored data if no values supplied def resource_create(self, resource, values=None, xref=None, group=None): Args: resource (str): Odoo model name, i.e. "res.partner" values (dict): record data (default stored data) xref (str): external reference to create group (str): used to manager group data; default is "base" Returns: obj: the Odoo model record, if created resource_write ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Update a test record. This function works as standard Odoo write() with follow improvements: * If resource is a record, xref is ignored (it should be None) * It resource is a string, xref must be a valid xref or an integer * If values is not supplied, record is restored to stored data values def resource_write(self, resource, xref=None, values=None, raise_if_not_found=True, group=None): Args: resource (str|obj): Odoo model name or record to update xref (str): external reference to update: required id resource is string values (dict): record data (default stored data) raise_if_not_found (bool): raise exception if xref not found or if more records found group (str): used to manager group data; default is "base" Returns: obj: the Odoo model record Raises: ValueError: if invalid parameters issued resource_make ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Create or write a test record. This function is a hook to resource_write() or resource_create(). def resource_make(self, resource, xref, values=None, group=None): declare_resource_data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Declare data to load on setup_env(). def declare_resource_data(self, resource, data, name=None, group=None, merge=None) Args: resource (str): Odoo model name, i.e. "res.partner" data (dict): record data name (str): label of dataset; default is resource name group (str): used to manager group data; default is "base" merge (str): merge data with public data (currently just "zerobug") Raises: TypeError: if invalid parameters issued declare_all_data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Declare all data to load on setup_env(). def declare_resource_data(self, resource, data, name=None, group=None, merge=None) Args: message (dict): data message TEST_SETUP_LIST (list): resource list to load TEST_* (dict): resource data; * is the uppercase resource name where dot are replaced by "_"; (see declare_resource_data) group (str): used to manager group data; default is "base" merge (str): merge data with public data (currently just "zerobug") Raises: TypeError: if invalid parameters issuedd get_resource_data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get declared resource data; may be used to test compare. def get_resource_data(self, resource, xref, group=None): Args: resource (str): Odoo model name or name assigned, i.e. "res.partner" xref (str): external reference group (str): if supplied select specific group data; default is "base" Returns: dictionary with data or empty dictionary get_resource_data_list ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get declared resource data list. def get_resource_data_list(self, resource, group=None): Args: resource (str): Odoo model name or name assigned, i.e. "res.partner" group (str): if supplied select specific group data; default is "base" Returns: list of data get_resource_list ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get declared resource list. def get_resource_list(self, group=None): Args: group (str): if supplied select specific group data; default is "base" setup_company ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Setup company values for current user. This function assigns company to current user and / or can create xref aliases and /or can update company values. This function is useful in multi companies tests where different company values will be used in different tests. May be used in more simple test where company data will be updated in different tests. You can assign partner_xref to company base by group; then all tests executed after setup_env(), use the assigned partner data for company of the group. You can also create more companies and assign one of them to test by group. def setup_company(self, company, xref=None, partner_xref=None, values={}, group=None): Args: company (obj): company to update; if not supplied a new company is created xref (str): external reference or alias for main company partner_xref (str): external reference or alias for main company partner values (dict): company data to update immediately group (str): if supplied select specific group data; default is "base" Returns: default company for user setup_env ~~~~~~~~~ Create all record from declared data. This function starts the test workflow creating the test environment. Test data must be declared before engage this function with declare_all_data() function (see above). setup_env may be called more times with different group value. If it is called with the same group, it recreates the test environment with declared values; however this feature might do not work for some reason: i.e. if test creates a paid invoice, the setup_env() cannot unlink invoice. If you want to recreate the same test environment, assure the conditions for unlink of all created and tested records. If you create more test environment with different group you can use all data, even record created by different group. In this way you can test a complex process the evolved scenario. def setup_env(self, lang=None, locale=None, group=None): Args: lang (str): install & load specific language locale (str): install locale module with CoA; i.e l10n_it group (str): if supplied select specific group data; default is "base" Returns: None resource_edit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Server-side web form editing. Ordinary Odoo test use the primitive create() and write() function to manage test data. These methods create an update records, but they do not properly reflect the behaviour of user editing form with GUI interface. This function simulates the client-side form editing in the server-side. It works in the follow way: * It can simulate the form create record * It can simulate the form update record * It can simulate the user data input * It calls the onchange functions automatically * It may be used to call button in the form User action simulation: The parameter is a list of user actions to execute sequentially. Every element of the list is another list with 2 or 3 values: * Field name to assign value * Value to assign * Optional function to execute (i.e. specific onchange) If field is associate to an onchange function the relative onchange functions are execute after value assignment. If onchange set another field with another onchange the relative another onchange are executed until all onchange are exhausted. This behavior is the same of the form editing. Warning: because function are always executed at the server side the behavior may be slightly different from actual form editing. Please take note of following limitations: * update form cannot simulate discard button * some required data in create must be supplied by default parameter * form inconsistency cannot be detected by this function * nested function must be managed by test code (i.e. wizard from form) See test_testenv module for test examples https://github.com/zeroincombenze/zerobug-test/tree/12.0/test_testenv def resource_edit(self, resource, default={}, web_changes=[], actions=[], ctx={}): Args: resource (str or obj): if field is a string simulate create web behavior of Odoo model issued in resource; if field is an obj simulate write web behavior on the issued record default (dict): default value to assign web_changes (list): list of tuples (field, value); see Returns: windows action to execute or obj record wizard ~~~~~~ Execute a full wizard. Engage the specific wizard, simulate user actions and return the wizard result, usually a windows action. It is useful to test: * view names * wizard structure * wizard code Both parameters and must be issued in order to call ; they are alternative to act_windows. *** Example of use *** :: XML view file: Example wizard.example [...] Python code: :: act_windows = self.wizard(module="module_example", action_name="action_example", ...) if self.is_action(act_windows): act_windows = self.wizard(act_windows=act_windows, ...) User action simulation: The parameter is a list of user actions to execute sequentially. Every element of the list is another list with 2 or 3 values: * Field name to assign value * Value to assign * Optional function to execute (i.e. specific onchange) If field is associate to an onchange function the relative onchange functions are execute after value assignment. If onchange set another field with another onchange the relative another onchange are executed until all onchange are exhausted. This behavior is the same of the form editing. def wizard(self, module=None, action_name=None, act_windows=None, records=None, default=None, ctx={}, button_name=None, web_changes=[], button_ctx={},): Args: module (str): module name for wizard to test; if "." use current module name action_name (str): action name act_windows (dict): Odoo windows action (do not issue module & action_name) records (obj): objects required by the download wizard default (dict): default value to assign ctx (dict): context to pass to wizard during execution button_name (str): function name to execute at the end of then wizard web_changes (list): list of tuples (field, value); see above button_ctx (dict): context to pass to button_name function Returns: result of the wizard Raises: ValueError: if invalid parameters issued validate_record ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Validate records against template values. During the test will be necessary to check result record values. This function aim to validate all the important values with one step. You have to issue 2 params: template with expected values and record to check. You can declare just some field value in template which are important for you. Both template and record are lists, record may be a record set too. This function do following steps: * matches templates and record, based on template supplied data * check if all template are matched with 1 record to validate * execute self.assertEqual() for every field in template * check for every template record has matched with assert def validate_records(self, template, records): Args: template (list of dict): list of dictionaries with expected values records (list or set): records to validate values Returns: list of matched coupled (template, record) + # of assertions Raises: ValueError: if no enough assertions or one assertion is failed get_records_from_act_windows ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get records from a windows message. def get_records_from_act_windows(self, act_windows): Args: act_windows (dict): Odoo windows action returned by a wizard Returns: records or False Raises: ValueError: if invalid parameters issued | This module is part of tools project. 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