
python-plus adds various features to python 2 and python 3 programs. It is designed to be used as integration of pypi future to help to port your code from Python 2 to Python 3 and still have it run on Python 2. list environment requirements

This command is an internal command of python-plus but may be used as own command. displays the pypi and binaries packages needed to create a virtual environment. It is specially designed to show Odoo requirements. Passing Odoo path it reads requirements.txt files in path and setup directories of OCA repositories.

vem: virtual environment manager

This command is an interactive tool with some nice features to manage standard virtual environment. Mainly it works ad standard pip but inside a specific virtual environment.

Code example

class / type test

Test if a string is unicode.

On Py2, this gives us:

>>> s = 'Hello World'
>>> isinstance(object, str)

On Py3, this gives us:

>>> s = b'Hello World'
>>> isinstance(object, bytes)

Then, for example, the following code has the same effect on Py2 as on Py3:

>>> from python_plus import isbytestr
>>> s = b'Hello World'
>>> isbytestr(s)

quoted string

Using class __:

>>> from python_plus import __
>>> my_str_list = __('abc,"d,e",fgh')
>>> my_list = my_str_list.qsplit(my_str_list)
>>> print my_list
['abc', 'd,e', 'fgh']

General function:

>>> from python_plus import qsplit
>>> my_str_list = 'abc,"d,e",fgh'
>>> my_list = qsplit(my_str_list)
>>> print my_list
['abc', 'd,e', 'fgh']

Code reference

`` str.qslit(sep=None, maxsplit=-1, quotes=[‘”’, ‘”’], escape=None, enquote=None, strip=None)``

Like split function return a list of the words in the string, using sep as the delimiter string. If maxsplit is given, at most maxsplit splits are done (thus, the list will have at most maxsplit+1 elements). If maxsplit is not specified or -1, then there is no limit on the number of splits (all possible splits are made).

If sep is given, consecutive delimiters are not grouped together and are deemed to delimit empty strings (for example, ‘1,,2’.split(‘,’) returns [‘1’, ‘’, ‘2’]). The sep argument may consist of multiple characters (for example, ‘1<>2<>3’.split(‘<>’) returns [‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’]). Splitting an empty string with a specified separator returns [‘’].

If quotes is given, it is used to recognize quoted string: the sep tokens inside quoted string are ignored. The paramters quotes may be a string or a list. If it is a string trailing and ending delimiters are the same, like usual python string; if list is given, the first element is initial delimiter and the second element is the final delimiter like in html tag.

If escape is given, it is used to escape delimiters.

If enquote is True, returned list elements are enquoted by delimiters.

If strip is Tru, trailing and tailing spaces in returned list elements are removed.

For example:

>>> my_str_list = __('abc,"d,e",fgh')
>>> print my_str_list.qsplit(my_str_list)
['abc', 'd,e', 'fgh']

vem: virtual environment manager

Usage: [-h][-a list][-BCD][-d paths][-E distro][-f][-F name][-gkIi][-l iso][-n][-O version][-o dir][-p pyver][-q][-r file][-stVvy] p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9
Manage virtual environment
action may be: help amend cp check create exec info inspect install merge mv python shell rm show uninstall update test
 -h --help            this help
 -a list              bin packages to install (* means wkhtmltopdf,lessc)
 -B                   use unstable packages: -B testpypi / -BB from ~/tools / -BBB from ~/pypi / -BBBB link to local ~/pypi
 -C                   clear cache before executing pip command
 -D --devel           create v.environment with development packages
 -d --dep-path paths
                      odoo dependencies paths (comma separated)
 -E --distro distro
                      simulate Linux distro: like Ubuntu20 Centos7 etc (requires -n switch)
 -f --force           force v.environment create, even if exists or inside another virtual env
 -F name              simulate Linux family: may be RHEL or Debian (requires -n switch)
 -g --global          install npm packages globally
 -k --keep            keep python2 executable as python (deprecated)
 -I --indipendent     run pip in an isolated mode and set home virtual directory
 -i --isolated        run pip in an isolated mode, ignoring environment variables and user configuration
 -l --lang iso
                      set default language
 -n --dry_run         do nothing (dry-run)
 -O --odoo-ver version
                      install pypi required by odoo version (amend or create)
 -o --odoo-path dir
                      odoo path used to search odoo requirements
 -p --python pyver
                      python version
 -q --quiet           silent mode
 -r --requirement file
                      after created v.environment install from the given requirements file
 -s --system-site-pack
                      create v.environment with access to the global site-packages
 -t --travis          activate environment for travis test
 -V --version         show version
 -v --verbose         verbose mode
 -y --yes             assume yes

vem is an interactive tool with some nice features to manage standard virtual environment.

Action is one of:

  • help

  • amend [OPTIONS] [SRC_VENV]

  • check [OPTIONS] [SRC_VENV]


  • create -p PYVER [OPTIONS] [VENV]

  • exec [OPTIONS] [VENV] CMD

  • info [OPTIONS] [VENV] PKG

  • install [OPTIONS] [VENV] PKG



  • update [OPTIONS] [VENV] PKG

  • uninstall [OPTIONS] [VENV] PKG

  • test [OPTIONS] [VENV]

  • reset [OPTIONS] [VENV]

  • show [OPTIONS] [VENV] PKG


Amend package versions against requirements. May used after ‘create’ or ‘reset’ when requirements are changed.


Compare package versions against requirements. May be used after ‘create’ or ‘reset’ to check virtual environment consistency.


Copy SOURCE environment directory to TGT_ENV, like the bash command ‘cp’ and set relative path inside virtual environment to aim the new directory name. Copying virtual environments is not well supported. Each virtualenv has path information hard-coded into it, and there may be cases where the copy code does not know it needs to update a particular file. Use with caution.


Create a new virtual environment directory VENV like virtualenv command but with some nice features. Switch -p declare which python version will be used to create new environment. This action can install various python packages to create a ready to use environment directory. See -I -D -O -o -r switches to furthermore information.


Execute a command in virtual environment. Enclose command by quotes.


Show information about pypi package if installed in virtual environment (alias of show)


Install pypi package or bin package into virtual environment. Warning! currently just 2 bin packages can be installed: wkhtmltopdf and lessc


Show information about pypi package if installed in virtual environment (alias of info)

uninstall [OPTIONS] [SRC_VENV] PKG

Uninstall pypi package from virtual environment.


Upgrade pypi package in virtual environment.