
This library can run unit test of software target package. Supported languages are python (through and bash (through z0testrc)

zerobug was born to supports test automation, aggregation of tests into collections and independence of the tests from the reporting framework. Currently is becoming an improvements of python unittest2 but still run bash tests.

The command zerobug of this package runs tests: it searches for test runner files named test_ (see -p switch).

Test suite is a collection of test case named test_[0-9]+ inside the runner file, executed in sorted order.

Every suite can contains one or more test case, the smallest unit test; every unit test terminates with success or with failure.

zerobug is full integrated with coverage and travis-ci.

usage: zerobug [-h] [-B] [-C] [-e] [-f] [-J] [-k] [-l file] [-N] [-n] [-O]
               [-p file_list] [-Q] [-q] [-R] [-r number] [-s number] [-V] [-v]
               [-x] [-X] [-z number] [-0]

Regression test on zerobug

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -B, --debug           run tests in debug mode
  -C, --no-coverage     run tests without coverage
  -e, --echo            enable echoing even if not interactive tty
  -f, --failfast        Stop on first fail or error
  -J                    load travisrc (deprecated)
  -k, --keep            keep current logfile (deprecated)
  -l file, --logname file
                        set logfile name (deprecated)
  -N, --new             create new logfile (deprecated)
  -n, --dry-run         count and display # unit tests (deprecated)
  -O                    load odoorc (deprecated)
  -p file_list, --search-pattern file_list
                        Pattern to match tests, comma separated ('test*.py'
  -Q, --count           count # unit tests (deprecated)
  -q, --quiet           run tests without output (quiet mode, deprecated)
  -R, --run-inner       inner mode w/o final messages
  -r number, --restart number
                        restart count next to number
  -s number, --start number
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         verbose mode
  -x, --qsanity         like -X but run silently (deprecated)
  -X, --esanity         execute test library sanity check and exit
  -z number, --end number
                        display total # tests when execute them
  -0, --no-count        no count # unit tests (deprecated)

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