Welcome to zerobug documentation!

github.com Coverage License: AGPL-3

zerobug 2.0.5

github.com Coverage License: AGPL-3


Zeroincombenze® continuous testing framework for python and bash programs

This library can run unit test of target package software. Supported languages are python (through z0testlib.py) and bash (through z0testrc)

zerobug supports test automation, aggregation of tests into collections and independence of the tests from the reporting framework. The zerobug module provides all code that make it easy to support testing both for python programs both for bash scripts. zerobug shows execution test with a message like “n/tot message” where n is current unit test and tot is the total unit test to execute, that is a sort of advancing test progress.

You can use z0bug_odoo that is the odoo integration to test Odoo modules.

zerobug is built on follow concepts:

  • test main - it is a main program to executes all test runners

  • test runner - it is a program to executes one or more test suites

  • test suite - it is a collection of test cases

  • test case - it is a smallest unit test

The main file is the command zerobug of this package; it searches for test runner files named [id_]test_ where ‘id’ is the shor name of testing package.

Test suite is a collection of test case named test_[0-9]+ inside the runner file, executed in sorted order.

Every suit can contains one or more test case, the smallest unit test; every unit test terminates with success or with failure.

Because zerobug can show total number of unit test to execute, it runs tests in 2 passes. In the first pass it counts the number of test, in second pass executes really it. This behavior can be overridden by -0 switch.


  • Test execution log

  • Autodiscovery test modules and functions

  • Python 2.7+ and 3.5+

  • coverage integration

  • travis integration


usage: zerobug [-h] [-B] [-C] [-e] [-J] [-k] [-l file] [-N] [-n] [-O]
               [-p file_list] [-q] [-r number] [-s number] [-V] [-v] [-x] [-X]
               [-z number] [-0] [-1] [-3]

Regression test on z0bug_odoo

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -B, --debug           trace msgs in zerobug.tracehis
  -C, --no-coverage     run tests without coverage
  -e, --echo            enable echoing even if not interactive tty
  -J                    load travisrc
  -k, --keep            keep current logfile
  -l file, --logname file
                        set logfile name
  -N, --new             create new logfile
  -n, --dry-run         count and display # unit tests
  -O                    load odoorc
  -p file_list, --search-pattern file_list
                        test file pattern
  -q, --quiet           run tests without output (quiet mode)
  -r number, --restart number
                        set to counted tests, 1st one next to this
  -s number, --start number
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         verbose mode
  -x, --qsanity         like -X but run silently
  -X, --esanity         execute test library sanity check and exit
  -z number, --end number
                        display total # tests when execute them
  -0, --no-count        no count # unit tests
  -1, --coverage        run tests for coverage (obsolete)
  -3, --python3         use python3

zerobug makes avaiable following functions to test:

Z0BUG.setup(ctx) (python)

Z0BUG_setup (bash)

Setup for test. It is called before all tests.

Z0BUG.teardown(ctx) (python)

Z0BUG_teardown (bash)

Setup for test. It is called after all tests.

Z0BUG.build_os_tree(ctx, list_of_paths) (python)

Z0BUG_build_os_tree list_of_paths (bash)

Build a full os tree from supplied list. If python, list of paths is a list of strings. If bash, list is one string of paths separated by spaces. Function reads list of paths and then create all directories. If directory is an absolute path, it is created with the supplied path. If directory is a relative path, the directory is created under “tests/res” directory.

Warning! To check is made is parent dir does not exit. Please, supply path from parent to children, if you want to build a nested tree.

# (python)
from zerobug import Z0BUG
class RegressionTest():

    def __init__(self, Z0BUG):
        self.Z0BUG = Z0BUG

    def test_01(self, ctx):
        os_tree = ['10.0',
        root = self.Z0BUG.build_os_tree(ctx, os_tree)
# (bash)
Z0BUG_setup() {
    Z0BUG_build_os_tree "10.0 10.0/addons 10.0/odoo"

Z0BUG.remove_os_tree(ctx, list_of_paths) (python)

Z0BUG_remove_os_tree list_of_paths (bash)

Remove a full os tree created by build_os_tree If python, list of paths is a list of strings. If bash, list is a string of paths separated by spaces. Function reads list of paths and remove all directories. If directory is an absolute path, the supplied path is dropped. If directory is a relative path, the directory is dropped from tests/res directory.

Warning! This function remove directory and all sub-directories without any control.

# (python)
from zerobug import Z0BUG
class RegressionTest():

    def __init__(self, Z0BUG):
        self.Z0BUG = Z0BUG

    def test_01(self, ctx):
        os_tree = ['10.0',
        root = self.Z0BUG.remove_os_tree(ctx, os_tree)

Z0BUG.build_odoo_env(ctx, version) (python)

Like build_os_tree but create a specific odoo os tree.

# (python)
from zerobug import Z0BUG
from zerobug import Z0testOdoo
class RegressionTest():

    def __init__(self, Z0BUG):
        self.Z0BUG = Z0BUG

    def test_01(self, ctx):
        root = Z0testOdoo.build_odoo_env(ctx, '10.0')

Z0BUG.git_clone(remote, reponame, branch, odoo_path, force=None) (python)

Execute git clone of remote:reponame:branch into local directory odoo_path. In local travis emulation, if repository uses local repository, if exists. Return odoo root directory

# (python)
from zerobug import Z0BUG
from zerobug import Z0testOdoo

from zerobug import Z0BUG
class RegressionTest():

    def __init__(self, Z0BUG):
        self.Z0BUG = Z0BUG

    def test_01(self, ctx):
        remote = 'OCA'
        reponame = 'OCB'
        branch = '10.0'
        odoo_path = '/opt/odoo/10.0'
        Z0testOdoo.git_clone(remote, reponame, branch, odoo_path)

Unit test can run in package directory or in ./tests directory of package.

Every test can inquire internal context.

this_fqn      parent caller full qualified name (i.e. /opt/odoo/z0bug.pyc)
this          parent name, w/o extension (i.e. z0bug)
ctr           test counter [both bash and python tests]
dry_run       dry-run (do nothing) [opt_dry_run in bash test]          "-n"
esanity       True if required sanity check with echo                  "-X"
max_test      # of tests to execute [both bash and python tests]       "-z"
min_test      # of test executed before this one                       "-r"
on_error      behavior after error, 'continue' or 'raise' (default)
opt_echo      True if echo test result onto std output                 "-e"
opt_new       new log file [both bash and python tests]                "-N"
opt_noctr     do not count # tests [both bash and python tests]        "-0"
opt_verbose   show messages during execution                           "-v"
logfn         real trace log file name from switch                     "-l"
qsanity       True if required sanity check w/o echo                   "-x"
run4cover     Run tests for coverage (use coverage run rather python)  "-C"
python3       Execute test in python3                                  "-3"
run_daemon    True if execution w/o tty as stdio
run_on_top    Top test (not parent)
run_tty       Opposite of run_daemon
tlog          default tracelog file name
_run_autotest True if running auto-test
_parser       cmd line parser
_opt_obj      parser obj, to acquire optional switches
WLOGCMD       override opt_echo; may be None, 'echo', 'echo-1', 'echo-0'
Z0            this library object

Environment read:

DEV_ENVIRONMENT Name of package; if set test is under travis emulator control


Name of coverage conf file; if set test is running for coverage

Getting started



Zeroincombenze tools require:

  • Linux Centos 7/8 or Debian 9/10 or Ubuntu 18/20

  • python 2.7, some tools require python 3.6+

  • bash 5.0+

Stable version via Python Package

pip install zerobug

Current version via Git

cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/zeroincombenze/tools.git
cd ./tools
./install_tools.sh -p
source /opt/odoo/devel/activate_tools



Stable version via Python Package

pip install zerobug -U

Current stable version

cd $HOME
./install_tools.sh -U
source /opt/odoo/devel/activate_tools

Current development version

cd $HOME
./install_tools.sh -Ud
source /opt/odoo/devel/activate_tools


2.0.5 (2023-03-24)

  • [FIX] travis_install_env: ensure list_requirements is executable

  • [IMP] flake8 configuration

  • [IMP] coveralls and codecov are not more dependenciesple

2.0.4 (2022-12-08)

  • [FIX] run_pypi_test: best recognition of python version

  • [FIX] build_cmd: best recognition of python version

  • [FIX] travis_install_env: ensure coverage version

  • [IMP] odoo environment to test more precise

2.0.3 (2022-11-08)

  • [IMP] npm management (2022-10-31)

  • [FIX] Odoo 11.0+

  • [FIX] Ensure coverage 5.0+

2.0.2 (2022-10-20)

  • [IMP] Stable version (2022-10-12)

  • [IMP] minor improvements

2.0.1 (2022-10-12)

  • [IMP] stable version (2022-10-05)

  • [IMP] travis_install_env: python2 tests (2022-09-06)

  • [FIX] travis_install_env: minor fixes

  • [IMP] z0testlib: show coverage result

2.0.0 (2022-08-10)

  • [REF] Partial refactoring for shell scripts




This module is part of tools project.

Last Update / Ultimo aggiornamento: 2023-04-14

Indices and tables